The Centre has initiated Teaching Assistants Skill Enhancement & Training (TASET) program for Teaching Assistants (TAs). This program is conducted in the beginning of each academic term. The program aims to help TAs in defining their roles/ responsibilities and to provide guidelines for successfully executing the TAship. Apart from creating awareness about the best practices to be followed as a part of TAship, the program aims to equip TAs to handle the common challenges that they may face as a part of their job. Right from helping TAs in understanding their roles in the academic environment and benefits of being TAs, in the future TASET program also aims at helping TAs in developing essential academic and professional skills required for their future career.
Completion of TA101 is applicable for PG and UG DD (B.Tech.+M.Tech., B.Des. +M.Des.,B.S.+M.S.) students from batch 2022 onwards. However, UGTAs from earlier batches who perform TA duty for various UG courses, are required to pass the Moodle part of TA-101 to apply for doing TA duty and receive their UGTA-ship from Spring Semester 2022-23 onwards.Also PhD students (paying non-concessional fees and who joined before 2022) must pass Moodle part of TA-101 in order to apply for doing TA duty and seek fee concession. This is also effective from Spring Semester 2022-23 onwards.
IITB Moodle

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